Limoverse - The metaverse for health

Limoverse stands to provide solutions for some of the chronic pains in the society connected with healthcare

Limoverse - The metaverse for health

Limoverse provides a universe where people are empowered to take charge of their own health and well-being based on scientifically derived highly personalized health data, using advanced geno-metabolic analysis and different quantified self tools, which, one can share and get services and rewards, where behaviour changes are forced by connecting health with fun and rewards, where staying fit itself is fun and rewarding through gamifications using the AR/XR possibilities, where one can access practitioners and institutions around the globe ensuring equitable access, and avail integrated wellness solutions by accessing the personal health data which is kept in interoperable format.


  • MODIFi
  • DATAFi
  • GAMEFi
  • METAFi
  • NFT